Case Writer

casem. invites case study authors and lecturers, universities and business schools as well as heads of institutes and scientific staff to become part of our scientific network in order to conduct a continuous exchange on the case study method. Participation in the academic network is free of charge.


Advantages of participating in our network


Depending on the areas of interest that you specify when registering in our network, you will gain access to the following areas:

  • Newsletter on case studies research and/or educational content. The number of notifications you receive is limited to a maximum of two issues per selected field of interest and semester. These notifications include, but are not limited to
    • Scientific articles and analyses published by casem.
    • Cases or course offerings developed by casem.
    • Information about upcoming casem events
    • References to research projects supported by casem.
  • Exclusive opportunities for your research. We provide you with exclusive access to our evaluation processes, through which you receive feedback from our experienced casem. experts on your researched and created case studies and sample solutions.
  • Exclusive opportunities for your students. We work together with you to ensure the greatest possible learning success for your students through the case study methodology and support you in designing tailor-made courses.
  • Possibilities at the exclusive casem. Workshops and meetings for teachers to participate. We regularly organize workshops for teachers who are interested in teaching using case study methodology. We will inform you about opportunities to participate in these exclusive events and offer you free registration.
  • casem. Academic Relations Team Support. Identify yourself as a member of the scientific casem. network and contact us by e-mail and we will provide you with our case study creation and teaching resources.

To register, please fill out the contact form and you will shortly receive an e-mail confirming your registration. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our network.

contact form

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