case studies

Case studies are as diverse as the learning objectives they serve. Therefore, the case study methodology offers different types of case studies in order to support the acquisition of competence in the best possible way. Below you will find detailed information on case study didactics and the case studies published by CASEM.

Case studies

Components of a case study

Our case studies have been developed and tested to promote and facilitate the development of competencies and skills in the best possible way. All published case studies therefore consist of:

Teaching letter as detailed explanation and preparation for lecturers

Sample solution for learning success control

case study as the actual text representing the problem

Presentation slides as a teaching support

Comparison of teaching methods

Compared to other teaching methods, the case study methodology can be distinguished on the basis of the exchange of experience and the structure along the learning experience.

  • Der Frontalunterricht basiert auf einer starren Struktur innerhalb derer ein passives Publikum auf einen Lehrenden fokussiert ist. Die Vorlesung findet als eine Einweg-Kommunikation statt und ist geeignet, um reine Theorie auf direkte Art und Weise zu vermitteln.
  • Eine Business-Simulation hat hingegen kein vorgegebenes Muster oder eine Roadmap. Die Studierenden sind von den sich entwickelnden Interaktionen sowie der Dynamik der Gruppe während der Vorlesung abhängig. Ein kontinuierlicher Aktionszyklus und ebenso wie das Feedback entwickeln sich im Ablauf der Simulation.

Depending on the type of case study, case study theory can be regarded as a middle course with many adjustment possibilities along both axes. Please also have a look at the different types of case studies.

Didactic basics

The basis of the design of any course based on the case study methodology should be based on the knowledge of how students learn. We at casem. have found that students learn best when they do:

  • Learning according to their learning interests and desires, because learning success depends on the desire to learn.
  • be able to develop their own solutions in specific situations,
  • do not know the solutions to these situations, because learning is always a discovery.
  • act and decide as if they were the responsible managers. Learning is largely an emotional experience and is based on the learner’s identification with a topic.

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